

Responsible for content & copyrights:

Pankl Racing Systems AG
Indus­tries­traße West 4
A-8605 Kapfenberg
Phone: +43(0)3862 33 999-0
Fax: +43(0)3862 33 999-181
E-Mail: [email protected]

Information according to §5 ECG and §14 UGB:

Legal form: Stock company
Register of firm names number: FN540009g
Court of jurisdiction: District Court of Leoben
UID number: ATU 75841047
Chamber: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Disclosure according to § 25 MedienG:

Media owner: Pankl Racing Systems AG, a stock company with registered office in the political municipality of Kapfenberg
Corporate purpose: holding company
Board of directors: Mag. Wolfgang Plasser, Mag. Thomas Karazmann, DI Stefan Seidel, DI (FH) Christoph Prattes
Supervisory board: DI Stefan Pierer, Josef Blazicek, Mag. Friedrich Roithner, Mag. Klaus Rinnerberger, Mag. Alex Pierer, Dipl.-VW Rudolf Wiesbeck
Ownership structure: indirect beneficial owner DI Stefan Pierer, holding 80 percent of the shares.
Editorial policy: information about company structure and current trends and development of Pankl Racing Systems AG.

Design & technical Implementation:

LX media GmbH
Durisolstraße 6
4600 Wels