

The Pankl share was listed till 31th of May 2018 on the Mid Market segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.


The share capital in the amount of EUR 3,150,000 is divided into 3,150,000 bearer shares, each share repre­senting one equal voting right.

Currently the following shares held can be announced:
– Pankl AG: 80%


Takeover Bid for the revocation of the admission to trade the shares of Pankl Racing Systems AG
(ISIN AT0000800800)
Offer to the shareholders of Pankl Racing Systems AG

On 3rd January 2018 KTM Indus­tries AG has announced its intention to launch a takeover bid for the termi­nation of the trading permission according to section 38 para 6 to 8 Stock Exchange Act 2018 in conjunction with the 5th part of the Austrian Takeover Act to the share­holders of Pankl Racing Systems AG. The offer price amounts to EUR 42.18 per Pankl-share. The offer can be accepted from 2nd February 2018 until 23rd March 2018 (5:00 pm – Vienna time).  

In this context, the following downloads are available to interested parties:

28.03.2018: Publi­cation of results
14.02.2018: Bericht des Sachver­ständigen gem. §§ 13 ff Übernah­megesetz
16.02.2018: Äußerung des Aufsicht­srats der Pankl Racing Systems AG
16.02.2018: Äußerung des Vorstands der Pankl Racing Systems AG
01.02.2018: Angebots­un­terlage



Voluntary takeover

Voluntary takeover offer to the shareholders of Pankl Racing Systems AG (exchange offer)

Pierer Industrie AG will submit a voluntary public offer pursuant to Sections 4 et seq. Austrian Takeover Act to all share­holders of Pankl Racing Systems AG, which are not acting in concert with Pierer Industrie AG pursuant to Section 1 lit 6 Austrian Takeover Act. According to the infor­mation provided by Pierer Industrie AG, Pierer Industrie AG offers shares of CROSS Indus­tries AG (ISIN AT0000820659) in the ratio 8:1 in exchange for shares of Pankl Racing Systems AG. This means that share­holders of Pankl Racing Systems AG, which accept the exchange offer, have the possi­bility to exchange 1 share of Pankl Racing Systems AG (ISIN: AT0000800800) against 8 shares of CROSS Indus­tries AG (ISIN AT0000820659). In the course of this exchange offer, shares of CROSS Indus­tries AG are therefore publicly offered.

In this context the following downloads are available:


This ad-hoc release does neither constitute an offer to sell or an offer to acquire nor an intimation to submit a proposal for the acqui­sition or sale of securities of Pankl Racing Systems AG and/​or CROSS Indus­tries AG.
It should be noted, that in Austria the public offer in relation to the shares of CROSS Indus­tries AG connected with this voluntary takeover offer is exempted from the prospectus requirement pursuant to Section 3 para. 1 lit 8 Austrian Capital Market Act.

The announced trans­action will take place exclu­sively on the basis of the offer document which has to be prepared and published in the course of the takeover procedure.
Pierer Industrie AG will publish the offer document and the confir­mation about its exami­nation by the expert (together the „Documents“) pursuant to Section 11 para 1a Austrian Takeover Act in the form of a brochure. The Documents will be available free of charge at the regis­tered address of Pankl Racing Systems AG, Indus­tries­traße West 4, 8605 Kapfenberg, and at the Paying Agent UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Schot­ten­gasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna, during usual business hours. The Documents will also be available on the websites of the Austrian Takeover Commission (,  Pierer Industrie AG ( and Pankl Racing Systems AG (


Pankl Racing Systems AG
(FN 143981)

Announcement according to § 38 para 10 Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018

Revocation of the trading Admission of the shares from the Official Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange

On 14 February 2018, Pankl Racing Systems AG filed the appli­cation for revocation of the admission of its shares (ISIN AT0000800800) from the Official Market (Amtlicher Handel) of the Vienna Stock Exchange pursuant to § 38 (6) Austrian Stock Exchange Act 2018 (delisting).
With resolution dated 19 February 2018 the Vienna Stock Exchange resolved to revoke the admission of the shares from the Official Market with effect at the end of 31 May 2018; the last trading day will be 30 May 2018.

Kapfenberg, 19 February 2018


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